If it goes to the will of the disk labels, then is soon conclusion with the 99-Cent-Offerten of the Apple Musikstores Itunes.
Large disk labels such as Sony BMG or universal the Music Goup pressurize the computer company Apple to introduce for its on-line music net curtain Itunes a Abodienst. How the “Financial Time Germany” reports, those of Studios make its demand the component of up-to-date lining up negotiations the prolongations of a contract. A goal of the Plattenbosse is it to set in motion by a Abomodel the conversion and increase their income security.
Still however the music companies stand according to “FTD” in a bad negotiating position, since Itunes control three quarters of the entire on-line music market. Experts assume the disk labels lock only contracts with short running times. “You look for desperately for a iPod killer, thereby it Steve job not obligated are”, quote the trade journal a representative of the music industry.
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