Art MacBook Pro Microsoft Edition - signed by Steve Ballmer

It is known that the mutual "love" Microsoft and Apple knows no boundaries. Fierce competition between the operating system market, and mobile software platforms, as well as other software makes these companies are constantly pick holes in the production and actions of each other, turning occasionally verge of decency.

In this regard, dear reader, what do you think that will make the head of Microsoft Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer), if a certain college student asks them to leave the autograph ... on the laptop Apple? Perhaps we can assume that the "great and terrible Steve" innocent fling laptop against the wall and went away, cursing various bad words.

But in fact nothing of the sort happened. In contrast, when a student from Tennessee asked Steve Ballmer to sign on his MacBook Pro, the head of Microsoft with a smile, filled him with the request and left his autograph on the cover of the notebook, and the proud owner of this laptop then demonstrated in front of the camera this painting. Now, obviously, have to wait that Apple chief Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) raspishetsya on any Dell laptop with Windows inside.


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