Nexus One - Google will sell it unlocked and unsubsidized for $530

On the smartphone Google Nexus One at the moment we know almost everything, despite the fact that his announcement is yet to come. The network has already appeared, and his "live" photos and a list of characteristics, and expected date of start of sales. And the only "issue price" has remained behind the scenes. But now, thanks to the Internet penetrated the documents, released and is the missing link. As it turned out, "unlocked" Google Nexus One will be available for $ 530. At the same time, the contract operator T-Mobile in the U.S. new would cost significantly cheaper: $ 180. Without significance and the fact that the commercial name of the device, apparently, will remain Nexus One - so named in these files.

In addition, the documentation you can find some more interesting data on the sales of the device. For example, it mentions that one Google account is available not more than five smartphones. And in the case of non-tariff plan within 120 days from the date of purchase the user will have to pay the remaining cost to complete Nexus One $ 350 or return the device back. And, finally, it is reported that the smartphone will be sold not only in the U.S., as expected.


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