Start selling e-book Sony Reader Daily Edition

Began selling e-books Sony Reader Daily Edition. Earlier, in November this year, it could only be ordered through the online store SonyStyle, but now began to supply the device. Its cost is $ 399. Sony Reader Daily Edition - it is e-reader with a 7-inch touch screen-based electronic paper that can display 16 shades of gray. Moreover, the touch screen, it can not only read the text, but also to control the viewing and make handwritten notes.

Download ebooks for Sony Reader Daily Edition can be from online store Sony Reader Store through 3G-connection to AT & T (U.S.). While nothing is known about whether a device is sold in other regions, and in this case will be connected to the service content. Sony also noted that managed to negotiate with publishers for newspapers and magazines in electronic format for their e-reader. Already available Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune, in the near future catalog of periodicals will be updated.


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